For urgent/same day appointments
Connolly Street Medical offers a phone triage assessment service for patients with acute symptoms who request an urgent, same day appointment with the doctor.
This service will allow patients to talk through their symptoms with a Connolly Street Medical doctor before an appointment is made. This gives the doctor the opportunity of assessing the best course of action and identifying any pre-work that needs to be conducted prior to the patient coming into the practice. For example, if a patient needs a blood test or an x-ray the doctor can arrange this. If, however, the doctor would like to see a patient face-to-face, an urgent appointment will be made.
Phone triage is a new system that has been introduced as part of Connolly Street Medical’s work towards becoming a Health Care Home.
Please read the FAQs below.
What is phone triage?
Phone triage is an over the phone conversation between a patient with an acute medical issue and a Connolly Street Medical doctor. It takes place shortly after a patient has contacted the practice to request an urgent or same day appointment.
How does it work?
If a patient is experiencing acute symptoms and rings for an urgent/same day appointment, they will be advised that a doctor will ring them back at a specified time. The doctor will then ring at that time, discuss the medical complaint and determine what the next steps will be.
Why have we introduced phone triage?
Phone triage is part of a broader initiative called Health Care Home. Medical practices across New Zealand are being encouraged to become Health Care Homes. This means that they agree to implement new services and practices (in line with the Health Care Home model) that always put the patient first, improve the patient experience, are proactive, efficient and co-ordinated.
Where can I find out more about Health Care Home?
More information is available at
Will phone triage improve the service patients with acute symptoms receive?
Yes. Phone triage will improve the service that patients with acute symptoms receive. It enables the doctor to talk directly to the patient, understand the nature of their symptoms and assess the urgency of the medical issue. The doctor can then make an informed decision as to the best course of action. For example, the patient may be asked to come into the practice as soon as possible or there may need to be some pre-work conducted e.g. referrals for tests or x-rays. The pre-work can be arranged over the phone without the patient coming into the practice. This is more convenient for the patient and saves time too.
What is the main benefit of phone triage?
The main benefit is that if a patient has an urgent medical issue it will be assessed quicker over the phone than if they have to come into the practice first. Early assessment over the phone also means that treatment, or tests and referrals can be arranged sooner, and the patient is on the road to recovery quicker.
What are the other benefits of phone triage?
Phone triage will also reduce the demand for urgent/same-day appointments at the practice by prioritising medical issues that require a face-to-face doctor consultation over those that can be treated or referrals made over the phone.
Is there a cost for this service?
If, during the phone triage assessment, a patient needs some pre-work, a blood test or an x-ray for example, the doctor will arrange this and there will be no charge to the patient.
If the doctor advises the patient to come into the practice for a face-to-face consultation the usual doctor consultation fee will apply.
If you have any additional questions, Please phone on 04 569 5601